$20 Buys Math Success for Students

This post is for my friends and family with kids/grandkids that aren’t satisfied with their child’s math education or need a good supplemental curriculum. I would subscribe to https://www.aleks.com/buy_aleks_now. I used it with my oldest, when she had a bad algebra teacher in middle school. I also brought the idea of using it to St. Joseph Middle School when I taught there. They are still using it with their middle schoolers.

You can try the program for $19.95/month or buy the 1-yr subscription for cheaper. It is solid 3rd-12th grade math and goes through Calculus. You don’t have to be a mathie. The program has built-in tutorials with example problems and explanations. In order to start the program, your student will take a diagnostic test and a pie chart will show all strands(topics) for each course. After the diagnostic test, a percentage will be shown for each strand. From there, an adaptive program will be created for the individual to fill their deficiencies.

It’s not perfect but way cheaper than a private tutor or Kumon. Students are given immediate feedback on wrong/right answers. You can not move on to a new topic unless you can answer 3 similar problems correctly. It will steer the student to a tutorial after missing a problem 3 times.

The only thing parents have to do for student math success is to make sure their child works on the program for at least an hour per week and makes progress. ALEKS does keep track of how much time your child logs into the program per day/week and also how many new topics they learn per session/day/week. Parents can easily log in and check on progress and topics learned. Consistency is key!!!!

The University of Washington was (or maybe is) using it for their Chemistry classes for homework.

Also, full disclosure I’m not receiving any compensation for this endorsement😊.